Saturday, 25 June 2011


It would be very annoying when our facebook account hacked. Now a lot of people that tried to hack our facebook account, with various aims and objectives. The aim to hack facebook accounts are ranging from wanted to know our friends, to steal personal data, and destroying our online business (now in addition to multiply, facebook also very effective for our media campaign merchandise). There are also certain parties who sell the  hacked facebook accounts, and you can search for forum that publish hacked facebook accounts.
There are a few tips that can help you to avoid your facebook account hacked:
1. Don’t use e-mail from yahoomail to sign up on facebook, because an email from yahoo is easy to be hacked.
2. Email used to register at facebook should not be used to save or register another accounts, especially related to bussines purpose like paypal, moneybookers, etc.
3. The information in your profile. It is recommended not need to display all your information in your profile. For example, Basic Information, Personal Information, and Contact Information, especially E-mail address, IM screen, and Website.
4. E-mail address. Suggested e-mail addresses are not displayed on your profile. How: Choose Settings and then click the Privacy Settings, then select the profile menu, then select Contact Information, then on the drop down menu IM Screen Name and E-mail Screen Name changed to “no one”.
5. Password. Change your password, how to select the Settings menu and then click accounts then select change password. For recommended password is not the same e-mail password, and at least 10 characters (numeric and alphanumeric). Example: bar0125jos. Why like that? Because it would be difficult to load the hacker who will break into your account. Never use your birth date password. Because it can be dangerous.
5. Website. This is the third way by hackers to find your e-mail address, because if you supply the personal website address like blogger, wordpress, or Plurk, they are very clever to find e-mail address. Therefore, do not include your personal website address in your facebook account information.
6. Last, fill your basic information same as your ID, because if your facebook account is hacked and you want to restore again, you need to send the scan of your ID, and if the information is same as your facebook account, the admin will help you.

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